Krasniqi Publishes AMA - TikTok Report: Hundreds of Pirated Videos and Dozens of Harmful Videos Blocked in 5 Days

It took only a few hours after the public announcement last Thursday by the Chairwoman of the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA), Armela Krasniqi, regarding the start of cooperation with the TikTok platform, for dozens of reports of harmful content published on this platform to start pouring in.

Five days after the beginning of this cooperation and the launch of a dedicated link on the official website of the Audiovisual Media Authority, where the public can report content they deem harmful, the first results have emerged.

According to the announcement by the Chairwoman Krasniqi, the reports pertain to content containing violence, hate speech, child abuse, community abuses, or violations of fundamental rights.

As Krasniqi announced today on her official social media accounts, within just 5 days, AMA received 85 complaints. After being reviewed by the legal teams and the Complaints Council at AMA, 40 of these were reported to TikTok for legal violations. Of these, 23 videos have been removed from the TikTok platform, and 17 are still in the process of being reviewed.

According to the data published by Chairwoman Krasniqi, the removed videos included:
• 7 videos exposing children to pornography, narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, and violence;
• 5 videos inciting violence and hate or containing criminal acts were removed from the platform;
• 4 videos of violent acts nature;
• 1 video of religious hate nature;
• 1 other video for hate speech due to sexual orientation.
What stands out in the data published by the AMA Chairwoman is the prevalence of piracy cases that seem to have circulated widely and freely on the TikTok platform until now.
During the same period, that is, within just 5 days, 156 videos were reported for audiovisual product piracy, of which 112 were removed from the platform, and 20 profiles were immediately closed for the same reason after the videos they contained were reported.
"We did not anticipate such a flood of reports," stated Ms. Krasniqi. "We are grateful to the citizens who reported, demonstrating high public awareness and trust in the institution. Grateful for this cooperation with TikTok. We have a lot of work ahead of us."