Murder of the 42-year-old Man in Pogradec, Rrumbullaku: Police Referred the Case as 'Manslaughter'

The General Director of the State Police, Muhamet Rrumbullaku, said Wednesday that police reacted immediately over the murder in Pogradec, where the victim was a 42-year-old man, father of two. 

In a press conference for the media, Rrumbullaku said that the event happened on nr.1 neighbourhood as the debate between two degenerated in physical conflict where the man died. 

"When police was informed went on the scene and urged for medical help. Police services arrived in three minutes and surrounded the scene. Security footage has been seized. Equipment administered by the prosecution for the examination. The citizen Denis Meçe left the scene after the conflict but he was arrested shortly after. Police referred the case as intentional murder", clarified Rrumbullaku.

Actually the perpetrator is arrested under suspicious for 'manslaughter'.