Name of Doshi's Successor in Albanian Parliament Revealed
After the resignation of Tom Doshi from the mandate of the MP, the Central Election Commission (CEC) has decided this Thursday to pass this mandate to the third-ranked candidate in the very nominal list of Social Democratic Party (PSD), Jetmira Rraboshta.
The CEC in an explanatory announcement made known that the mandate belongs to the 2017 elections and Jetmira Rraboshta will hold this mandate until September of this year when the new Parliament will be constituted.
From the verification of the data of the decriminalization form, it has resulted that the candidate, Jetmira Rraboshta has no criminal conviction. "The CEC decides to give the mandate of the MP of the Albanian Parliament, the next candidate in the multi-name list of PSD in the area of ​​Shkodra region, Jetmira Rraboshta", said Celibashi.
Tom Doshi announced the irrevocable resignation from his parliamentary mandate a day after the April 25 elections. Through a letter, Doshi informed the CEC requesting his replacement in the candidate lists. His party, the PSD, won three seats in the April 25 elections.
"I, the undersigned Tom Doshi, with my free and full will declare that on April 26, I resign from my mandate as a member of the Albanian Parliament. I declare that today, on April 26, I also resign from my mandate as an MP won after the 2021 elections and I resign from the multi-name list of candidates for PSD MP for the Albanian Parliament elections on April 25. I ask the CEC to replace me as an MP according to the provisions of the Electoral Code. The above is in accordance with my free and full will and today, on April 26, I have no claim with the decision of the CEC according to which my mandate passes to the other candidate according to the provisions of the Electoral Code. This resignation is irrevocable," read Tom Doshi's letter.