Picture of Erjon Pelivani

Names of Albanian Victim, Killer in Greece Shooting Revealed

A serious incident was reported today in Greece, where 50-year-old Fatmir Tarellari shot dead 33-year-old Erjon Pelivani, after learning that the latter had raped his daughter.

According to the Greek media, the 50-year-old learned that his 33-year-old brother-in-law, Erjon Pelivani, raped his daughter at the age of 9.

On the other hand, the girl that is now 18 years old, unveiled that he recently blackmailed her that if she did not give him money, he would publish videos and photos of the rapes.

It was the 50-year-old himself who, after finding out about this information, asked his wife to notify her brother and go to help him, since there were some problems in the vehicle.

After they met, according to Greek media, they argued and then the 50-year-old shot him dead with a gun, and then surrendered to the police.