Nearly 21,000 Cannabis Plants Destroyed in 3 Days; Minister

Interior Minister Taulant Balla has congratulated the successes of the State Police structures within the anti-cannabis operations developed throughout the country. Through a post on social networks, Balla declares that during the last 72 hours, a total of about 20,897 cannabis sativa plants have been destroyed. 

"The State Police has successfully followed the mega-operation against the cultivation of narcotic plants, in which around 6,000 police forces and dozens of high-resolution drones have been engaged since the beginning. During the last 72 hours, a total of about 20,897 cannabis sativa plants have been destroyed. For these cases of cultivation, 11 perpetrators have been identified, of which 1 has been arrested in the act and 10 have been declared wanted", writes Minister Balla. 

Furthermore, the Minister of the Interior requests the cooperation of citizens in the fight for the eradication of the phenomenon of the cultivation of narcotic plants. 

"In order to destroy every cultivated cannabis sativa plant, the State Police will further intensify controls throughout the country, working closely with citizens and other law enforcement agencies, to obtain information about attempts to cultivate cannabis. narcotic plants", emphasizes Balla. 

He provides a comprehensive overview of the actions of the police, noting that: 
"-In Shkodër, 15,744 cannabis sativa narcotic plants were destroyed. As suspected perpetrators of cases of cultivation, citizen Rr. Q. and 2 other citizens were declared wanted. 
- In Kruja, 1,909 cannabis sativa narcotic plants were destroyed. 2 citizens were identified as suspected perpetrators of the cultivation of these plants and wanted. 
- In Lezha, 1,854 cannabis sativa narcotic plants were destroyed. 2 citizens were identified as suspected perpetrators of the cultivation of these plants and wanted. 
- In Tropoja, 1390 cannabis sativa narcotic plants were destroyed. 4 citizens were identified as suspected perpetrators of the cultivation of these plants and declared wanted." 

Minister Balla ends his message with a thank you to the citizens: 

"The anti-cannabis police mega-operation will continue uninterrupted throughout the territory. I encourage and thank the citizens who cooperate with the Police, for fulfilling the objective of the mega-operation as well as for denouncing any other illegality".