One of the Most Famous Albanian Poets Passes Away

Famous poet Lefter Çipa has passed away this Thursday at the age of 79, after suffering from a serious illness for a long time. The news is announced by his son Aleksandër Çipa, the head of the Albanian Union of Journalists, who chooses to greet his father with only one word: Farewell! 

The poet had for some time displayed health problems, and it seems that the weight of the years and the prolonged torment of the disease, have caused him to die in the early hours of this morning. 

Lefter Çipa (14.02.1942) was born in Pilur (Himara). He is one of the most original poets and authors of Albanian folklore in the area of ​​the Himara Coast and the province of Labëria. Author of about 20 books of poetry. Among the most circulated books of poetry by this author are: “Bejkë e bardhë”, “Vijnë djemtë nëpër vapë”, “Nga kjo baltë e kësaj toke”, “Naim Shqipëria”, “Shqipëri pse të qan syri”, “Zoga kaçake në male”, “Këngë kurbeti”, “Vito Pëllumbesha”, “Hënëz e qiellit të gjerë”, “Moj unaza gur jeshile”, “Në sokak të ngushtë”, “O shokë vdekça nga kënga”, “Lundroj në lundrën e këngës”, “Kënga e manushaqes”, ” Zonjë e bukurisë”, etc. He is considered as the "Prince of today" of Albanian Polyphony being the most creative author of polyphony during the last 40 years. 

One of the most persistent scholars and researchers of popular oral poetry in the southern regions of the country. Author of over 1250 song lyrics performed by famous polyphonic groups, such as that of Pilur (whose artistic leader he has been for over 40 years), polyphonic groups of Himara, Bënçë, Dhërmi, Gjirokastra, Vlora, Lapardha, State Ensemble of Songs and Dances, as well as dozens of other artistic ensembles in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia. 

Since 1964 he has been a collaborator of the Institute of Folklore and then (1979) of the Institute of Popular Culture. In the written archive of KPI there are hundreds of pages with materials collected by this author. In addition, he has participated in several ethno-folklore expeditions conducted in the province of Labëria and especially in the villages of the Himara Coast. He is the author of a documentary film with ethno-folklore content. 

This author has participated with his creations in 7 National Folklore Festivals held in Gjirokastra, Berat and Lezha being laureate in every National Festival. Lefter Çipa has published a large number of articles for authors and prominent representatives of Albanian national literature. There is a rich archive of documents that speak of the authentic fund of Albanian polyphonic values ​​in the Coast of Himara and the areas where it lies. 

Most prominent personalities of culture, thought and cultural research have conveyed rare evaluations and publications evaluating the work, contribution and multifaceted values ​​of this author and prominent organizer of Albanian polyphonic and folklore activities throughout the space. 

Lefter Çipa is remembered as the founding co-organizer of the famous Vlora Trio. It is the source where a good part of Albanian singers and composers are fed. Some of our well-known singers have preferred to have in their repertoire, among others, some of the poems and lyrics of this author.