PM Reveals Talks with German 'Critics' of Albania's EU Integration

Prime Minister Edi Rama revealed the talks he had with representatives of German political parties during his visit to Berlin. In a statement after the visit to Germany, Rama was specifically asked about the talks with those who are considered "critics" of Albania in the European integration process. 

Rama says that now they are 100% supporters of Albania, although in the past they have held another position. 

- Mr. Prime Minister, you had a working visit here in Berlin, Germany. You met almost all the representatives of the political spectrum, starting from the chairman of the SPD (Social Democratic Party) parliamentary group, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the same time the chairwoman of the Green Party in Germany. You also met the head of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union). What did you discuss with all these representatives of German politics regarding the integration of Albania? 

Rama: This was an invitation of the Körber-Stiftung foundation and at the same time an interest of these parties to have a close conversation, regarding the European integration process, specifically with the upcoming June 'station' and the conclusion of the French presidency where the issue of opening formal membership negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia is on the agenda. Definitely, regarding the war in Ukraine, the position of Albania and the impact of the war on the region and of course the further progress in this regard in terms of our direct engagement in the Security Council and NATO. 

- You had a meeting with the head of the CDU. Also present were those known as Albania's strongest opponents and critics, Mr Krichbaum and Mr Ëadephul. What did you share with them and what is their current position regarding the integration of Albania? 

Rama: I will not call them and I have never called them 'the strongest opponents of Albania' or 'the strongest critics of Albania'. They are two figures who have a special weight in the CDU in relation to the region, because of the tasks they have and their attitudes have been attitudes which have been related to a certain context, but definitely also to the demand to do more. They definitely had scepticism, they definitely had their reasons for holding a position like that, but for the sake of truth, their positioning as I told them today, has been a challenge and a help after all because if today they are 100 % supportive, if today the whole CDU, the new chairman of the CDU himself says that Albania is a success story at this stage, there is definitely a lot to do in other stages. This is also to their credit that they have challenged us with their stances. There were no attitudes against Albania. They are friends of Albania. They are people dedicated to the Balkans and are well acquainted with the region so it has been a great pleasure in fact the whole meeting, the lunch they offered us and the conversation done. I hope that soon they will come to the Balkans and stop in Tirana.