Rama: Kosovo Exists as a State Thanks to US, EU

Prime Minister Edi Rama emphasized that Kosovo exists today as a state thanks to the USA and the EU. 

Rama has also spoken about his Kosovar counterpart, Albin Kurti, stating that "the whole world cannot always be wrong, while he is right". 

"Kosova today has the chance to get what it has been asking for for many years, it is on the table, I will not give up on this, I have warned about what happened in time when I said that you should not let the north of Kosovo degrade into an arena of collisions to create a small Donbas and yet I said the same thing today, I repeat it can go even worse. 

Some want to deal with, which is the strategic goal, if it is to negotiate what is the second historical achievement of Kosovo after the victory of the war, thanks to the allies and the Kosovo Liberation Army, then it is brought to the table, it is dealt with what you call the internationals that Albin Kurti is resisting. 

Without the EU and the USA, Kosovo would not exist as a state at all, how did Kosovo become a state, who did it, who recognized it, who put the final solution on the table? Internationals. 

1000 times to go back, I will do it again, because it is right. The whole world cannot always be wrong and Albin Kurti always be right, this is not possible, especially when you know who the parties are and today I am doing what I have done other times. I am not someone who accepts everything that Albania's friends and strategic allies say," Rama said.