Reconstruction of Sami Frasheri School Is Only Propaganda; DP

Former MP of Democratic Party (DP), Jorida Tabaku declared Friday that no construction is being done in the "Sami Frashëri" High School, but according to her, it is all a propaganda show. 

Tabaku has also published photos to support her argument, showing that in the traditional high school of the capital, no work has started yet, unlike the photos published yesterday by the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj. 

"They come out every day with a central director to fill the minds of Albanians that they are working. They are not doing anything, they have not done anything in 7 years and nothing in the last year since the earthquake. They left the Albanians in ruined houses and now they want to use them for propaganda. The best example is the Sami Frashëri school. 

2 ministers and a mayor came out yesterday to manipulate the Albanians and the citizens of Tirana. The result is a propaganda show. 

Today no workers and no work is being done in the Sami Frasheri high school, because the central director has moved to the school on May 5 area. Every day in a show where propaganda sells the start of works, but after the ERTV camera leaves the silence and abandonment invades what today should be construction sites. 

The actors of the renaissance also lied about the funds of the Sami Frasheri high school. This school will not be set up with EU funds. Eur 4.5 million will be paid by the taxes of Albanians and citizens of Tirana. Schools with EU funds cost 6 times less! 

For eight years they have manipulated Albanians with facades and kept them with lies. Manipulators will be unmasked because Albanians will learn what is hidden behind the demolition of the Sami Frashëri school in the middle of the pandemic", said Tabaku.