Ruling Majority Approves Changes to the Law of 'Protected Areas' Despite EU Concerns

In just seven minutes of Parliamentary Session, the ruling majority approved this Thursday even the changes to the law on 'Protected Areas'.

The approval was made with 74 votes as the opposition strongly objected the changes that according to them will destroy the protected areas. 

The voting was so quick, that socialists didn't hear even the voice of the citizens, NGO's who were protesting outside the Parliament's doors against the last changes. 

Few days ago, even the Head of the EU Delegation in Tirana, Silvio Gonzato, has expressed concerns over proposals to alter laws protecting Protected Areas in Albania to allow investments in them.

The letter, was sent to Arben Pellumbi, the ruling Socialist Party MP who leads the parliamentary commission dealing with economic activities and protected areas.

In the letter, Gonzato stresses that Albania should align its environmental protection policies with EU legislation. The letter refers also to criticism expressed in the European Commission Progress Report from 2023 regarding current violations to the country’s Protected Areas.

“The [proposed] legislation on strategic investments raises concerns for the protection of biodiversity, as it may allow large tourism and industrial investments in the protected areas,” the letter reads.

“Whilst not questioning the importance of reconciling environmental and biodiversity protection with the need to provide development opportunities for people living in protected areas, given the important potential implications of the proposals made by the government, I believe that careful examination is warranted before the committee proceeds further, including as regards criteria for authorising constructions and activities in protected areas, as well as safeguard measures, e.g. environmental impact assessments,” it adds.

“We therefore would strongly recommend that your committee re-consults with civil society organisations and all stakeholders on the proposals submitted by the government in a transparent and inclusive manner,” Gonzato wrote.