Serbian Flags in Tirana, Premier Reacts

Prime Minister Edi Rama has made the first reaction after the end of the protest of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the attack on the Open Balkans as well as the arrival of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Tirana. 

Rama responded to a commentator on social media, regarding the presence of Serbian flags on 'Dëshmorët e Kombit' Boulevard, as part of the diplomatic protocol of President Vucic's visit to Tirana. 

The Prime Minister in his response states that he was not a hero even when he demanded the recognition of Kosovo in the middle of Belgrade and he is not a traitor now. 

Full reaction: 

The truth is that the day I visited Belgrade, the capital of Serbia was full of Albanian flags and the hooligans who burned a flag were arrested by the police; the truth is that in Belgrade I speak Albanian and defend the interests of all Albanians and of course Albania; the truth is that in Belgrade I asked in Albanian for the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia, right in the Presidential Palace of Serbia and then you made me a hero, but I was not a hero then and I am not a traitor now, I was simply the Prime Minister of Albania. 

The truth is that the Open Balkans is not only the future of the children of the whole region, but also the strategic interest of Albania and the whole Albanian nation; the truth is that the truth delays but does not forget and tomorrow you will think like me today, while the shame will be held by those who have it, not me and my government, that we have the support of Albanians to work, develop and endure even the mud of the old shovels of Albanian politics.