Socialist Promises to Vote New President on 4th Round

Head of the Parliamentary group of Socialist Party (SP), Taulant Balla has declared Monday that the process for electing Albania's President is coming to an end, warning that the name of the new head of state could be learned within the deadlines set by the fourth round.

After the failure of the first three rounds that required consensus with the opposition, Balla said that the opposition refused to take its responsibility while adding that they are ready to dialogue with anyone.

"If the opposition wanted from the beginning to have a president to elect alone, I think it does no honor to anyone. First in the fourth round, the SP will nominate a candidate depending on a process we are following as of March 28th. 

A serious political force also makes a preliminary selection process. Throughout this we have identified and continue to identify potential candidates that meet some of the expectations that citizens have. We want the President in the next 5 years to be the moral authority. Not to be the President of the Socialist Party but of all Albanians. 

Have a little patience and in the coming days we will be in communication and more frequent for all developments. We have within our force rules that we will respect, we will have a wide in-depth discussion in the presidency, then in the parliamentary group from where the support will be obtained as required by the Constitution with at least 20 supporting signatures. 

In this case, the SP has 74 mandates and what is important is that this process is nearing completion", said Balla about the steps that will be followed from today in the SP for the new name of the head of state.