SPAK's Public Statement over Meta's Arrest

Through an official declaration, the Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK) clarified that reasons that brought the arrest of the former president, Ilir Meta.

According to SPAK his arrest came for the criminal proceedings No. 55 of 2019, while the object of the investigation of this proceeding is the corrupt actions of state officials in the conclusion and implementation of the CEZ-DIA service contract.

While the investigations into this proceeding were ongoing, the former president of Albania was arrested for the criminal offenses "Passive corruption of high state officials and local elected officials". Purification of proceeds of criminal offense and criminal activity", "Refusal to declare, non-declaration, concealment or false declaration of assets, private interests of elected persons and public officials, or of any person who has the legal obligation to declare", provided by articles 260 and 25, 287/2 and 257/a/2 of the Penal Code.

SPAK documented that Ilir Meta and Monika Kryemadhi in cooperation with each other but also with other public officials have been involved in the commission of several criminal offenses.

1- It has been proven that the former Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy, Ilir Meta, used his authority and influence to interfere in the process of concluding the contract between the company "Debt International Advisory" and the company CEZ Shpërndarje. The purpose of this contract was to assist in the identification and collection of arrears.

The investigations so far have revealed that I.M. has requested and received significant sums of money from Mr. K. I., during the period when he held the position of Minister, a task which included the supervision of the privatization process of CEZ and the conclusion of contracts for the collection of debts, thus consuming the elements of the criminal offense of "Passive corruption of high state officials or local elected officials", provided by article 260 of the Criminal Code.

2- The investigations showed that the citizen Ilir Meta, thanks to his function as Speaker of the Assembly and his wife, M.K. as a member of the Assembly, in 2014 used their influence influencing the leaders of various state institutions as well as the leaders of the mobile phone companies, with the aim of entering the fiber optic market as well as the conclusion of the interconnection agreement between the company "U... C... INC" and a private mobile phone company.

As a result of this illegal influence, the subjects under investigation I.M and M.K. have benefited from their percentage share of the company's profit, and have been provided with credit cards by the company's administrator. The expenses made through these cards were not declared in the periodic statements of assets by the investigators.

The person under investigation P. Xh., using his authority as the President of AKEP, elected by the Parliament of Albania on the proposal of the political entity "Socialist Movement for Integration" (LSI), in implementation of the orders received from the entities I. M. and M. K. , has not only influenced the leaders of the mobile phone company for the finalization of the agreement, but on the other hand, has allowed the private company to exercise its activity in violation of the AKEP law. For these reasons, the persons under investigation I.M. and M.K. there are suspicions that they have committed the criminal offense of "Passive corruption of high state officials or elected officials", in collaboration, assisted by the other person under investigation, P. Xh., who is accused of the same criminal offense.

3- During the investigation it was also found that the couple I.M. and M.K., have entered into a corrupt relationship with the businessman S.M., temporarily benefiting from a villa as a reward for the illegal influence they exerted on public officials appointed by LSI, in the interest of the businessmen's economic activities in question. 

4- During the period 2016-2017, Ilir Meta as the Chairman of the Socialist Movement for Integration Party, has concluded and executed contracts for consultancy and lobbying services with the companies Global Security and Innovative Solution LLC and the McKeon Group Inc. in the United States of America.