Tirana Judge Passes Vetting Process

Judge of Tirana Court, Enkela Vlora has passed this Friday the vetting process, after facing on Wednesday 8 June the Independent Qualification Commission (IQC), where she gave explanations about her assets and professional criteria.

According to the previous reports, her vetting process was held in IQC chaired by Firdes Shuli, with rapporteur Suela Zhegun and member Brunilda Bekteshi, while Francesco Ciardi was present as an international observer. 

During the process, Judge Vlora has declared an apartment with an area of ??56 m2 in Tirana, in co-ownership with parents, obtained through privatization in 1994, as well as an addition in the legalization process. She explained that the allowance was spent in the amount of 100 thousand ALL with the source of income from the salaries of family members of origin until 1997. Rapporteur Zhegu stated that IQC has found a negative balance for the construction of the allowance, a finding for which it has passed subject burden of proof. 

Judge Vlora explained that the addition was only 6 m2 and was carried out by her father for extreme housing needs. She noticed that the negative balance in the amount of 87 thousand ALL was ascertained only for 1997. The subject stated that the father was at work in the period 1995-1997 and that he had managed to identify the employer, but due to the distant time and the situation in those years had been impossible to provide all the necessary documentation to prove his father's income. She claimed that from the entire income was proved the financial possibility for the construction of the supplement. 

Vlora brought to the attention of the Commission the fact that when the addition was built, it did not exercise the duty of judge. "Given the time and the fact that that property belongs to the father, it turns out that he has no direct connection with me," said the subject. 

For a vehicle type "Volkswagen" purchased in 2015 for the value of 300.000 ALL by the subject's spouse, the Commission finds that they had the financial opportunity to purchase this property. The source is the income from the sale of another vehicle at the same price. 

But according to the rapporteur Zhegu, the investigation has resulted in the impossibility of purchasing the car in 2004, the sale price of which was used to purchase the vehicle in 2015. 

Judge Vlora explained that in 2003, she had declared her income and that she considered the savings to be reflected there. She insisted that from the financial analysis of income and expenses in that period, it turned out that there had been opportunities to purchase the vehicle. 

IQC also investigated a car bought by the subject's brother in 2009 for 6000 USD, which resulted in financial impossibility. According to the rapporteur, Vlora explained that she and her sister contributed to the purchase of the vehicle. 

The subject stated that there was no negative balance in the amount of 205 thousand ALL found in the purchase of the car by the brother. She insisted that together with her sister who lived and worked in Switzerland, they had enough income to contribute to the purchase of the vehicle for her brother. According to the subject, due to the distant time it had been impossible to find the documents for the sister's income in Switzerland. 

Vlora also claimed that the brother was detached from the family tree and could not be considered a related person, and therefore had no obligation to prove the legal source of the vehicle.