Unprecedented Insurrection in New Caledonia - Macron

However, the violence that began on 13 May is the worst unrest seen there since the 1980s.

A state of emergency has been imposed and President Macron has said that a 3,000-strong force deployed from France will remain - even during the Paris Summer Olympics if required.

Arriving in Nouméa after a 24-hour flight from Paris, President Macron said he wanted the return of peace, calm and security "as quickly as possible".

"That is the absolute priority," the French leader said.

He paid respects to the victims of the riots, as he met local political and business leaders.

The summit included separatist leaders, who said beforehand that they hoped it could "breathe new life" into discussions with France.

Mr Macron admitted that the most delicate conversation to be had was that of politics - and of the future of New Caledonia, the BBC's Australia correspondent Katy Watson reports, adding that he will have a huge job on his hands.

Police have held 269 people since the violence began on 13 May, and New Caledonia is currently under a state of emergency.

But Mr Macron hinted that the emergency status could be lifted in the coming days, saying: "I personally believe that the state of emergency should not be extended".

The first two showed slim majorities for remaining part of France. The third, in December 2021, was boycotted by pro-independence parties because it was held during the Covid pandemic.