Wisner: Albania's Future, Not Linked with Corrupted People

The charge d'affaires of the United States in Tirana, David Wisner, in an interview for the 'Voice of America' media Thursday, underlined that the future of Albania does not lie with the people involved in corruption, while he expressed concerns about the recent attacks on the Special Prosecutor's Office by the head of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta.

"I think that Albanians should feel proud that the institution of justice has taken action against political figures involved in corruption, or figures involved in organized criminal groups. I have seen one thing in the past 8 months in the country, that what unites Albanians most is that they want to see justice. It is disturbing to see the kind of attacks we have seen recently. These attacks have no place here and it is not good for Albanians to see this situation. The future of this country does not lie in the people involved in corruption", Wisner said.