The law also prioritizes sustainable development of the country’s agriculture sector by reducing carbon emissions

7% Renewable Fuels in Transport by 2030

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure said on Monday it has launched a public consultation for a new EU-aligned regulation aiming to boost the share of biofuels and other renewable fuels in the country's transportation sector to 1% by 2025 and to 7% by 2030. 
The regulation proposes setting an annual minimum threshold for the amount of biofuels that businesses and individuals must use and what local fuel wholesalers must trade, according to documents submitted on the country’s public consultation portal. In the case of unsold amounts of biofuel, the surplus should be directed to businesses or consumers who have not yet reached the quota. 
The law also prioritizes sustainable development of the country’s agriculture sector by reducing carbon emissions, while also incentivising the cultivation of energy crops in the country. The energy ministry accepts comments on the regulation until September 23. 
The draft law "On the production, transportation, trading, and use of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transportation" provides 18 articles on how it will be applied as it foresees 2025 as the first year of implementation. 
"Albania is committed within the Acquis to meet the national Objective for Renewable Energy. The minimum annual market quantity of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transport, which meet the sustainability criteria by Article 6 of this law and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for biofuels, must be no less than 1% of the amount of final fuel consumption in the transport sector in 2025. From 2026 to 2030 this amount will gradually increase by 1% per year with the aim that in 2030 it will be no less than 7 %," the relation is quoted. 
The purpose of the law is to create such incentive policies for the cultivation of energy plants in Albania and the possibility of using biomass of different origins to guarantee the protection of the environment through compliance with sustainability criteria and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for biofuels, bioliquids and fuels from biomass, as well as meeting the requirements for the quality of fuels in the transport sector referring to the provisions in the directive 2018/2001EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated December 11, 2018, "On the promotion of the use of energy from energy sources renewables", recently amended by the directive. 
To promote the use of biofuels and the fiscal regime for producers, facilities are also provided. 
"Implementation of facilitating fiscal regimes for biofuels to increase use and price competition. Fiscal benefits and exemptions about the quantities of pure 100% bio biofuels, not including the part of the respective by-products produced from the processing of crude oil, which is released to the market, will be determined in the respective laws of taxes and duties," it is stated in the relationship.