Albania Sees Five-fold Increase of Face Masks Import
The data from the Customs Directorate indicate that during the period January-July, the imports of non-medical fabric masks reached ALL 503 million, or over EUR 4 million, increasing fivefold in relation to the same period a year ago.
In addition to imports, many textile and shoe factories in the country have turned to sewing masks, mainly for export. The companies adapted rapidly, turning part of their activity towards mask-making, following high demand from European partners.
With the pandemic not known when it will end, the demand for masks seems to be going on for a long time, turning it into a sustainable and profitable business, as the cost of producing a mask is low and the difficulty of working for to sew a non-medical fabric mask is minimal.
A recent study by "Market Study Report" found that by 2026 the global mask market will reach USD 21.2 billion, a figure that is almost twice as much as Albania's Gross Domestic Product.
The global face mask market is expected to record strong growth by the end of 2020. Outbreaks of infectious respiratory diseases such as H1N1 and COVID-19 will boost demand for face masks among front-line employees health, but also in the general population.