Anti-Corruption Judge Dismissed by Vetting due to Assets

Independent Qualification Commission (IQC) has decided Monday to dismiss from duty the Judge of Court against Corruption and Organized Crime, Bib Ndreca.

Problematic for the Judge in question have resulted his assets as a car donated by his brother worth 12.000 EUR, raised suspicions to the IQC when Ndreca had just started work.

Moreover, the Qualification Commission noted that, according to the TIMS system, a person with whom the contract was concluded for an apartment worth 40.000 EUR had not been in Albania on the day of signing. The burden of proof also passed on to the wealth of the brothers who had given him loans and gifts.

Despite all, Judge Bib Ndreca challenged the Commission's findings on the property criterion and claimed that he could prove otherwise with the documents and explanations he had submitted.

On February 26, 2020was held the first session against Ndreca, but it was interrupted in a few minutes, as he demanded the reopening of the investigation on the other two criteria, that of purity of image and professionalism.

Following the reopening of the investigation, the Commission held a second hearing on 15 September 2020. The announcement of the decision on 18 September was postponed following a denunciation that led to the reopening of the investigation. At the January 14 hearing, the Commission indicated that no problem had been found from the new investigation.