An average Albanian spends about 42% of his income on food

Average Salary Increase by 11.2% in Q4

The average gross monthly salary for a salaried employee, during the fourth quarter of 2024, reached Lek 83,401 (Euro 830), increasing by 11.2%, compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

Referring to the report of the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), the economic activities that offer an average gross monthly salary, higher than the average salary at the national level, are those of finance and insurance and information and communication.

Compared to the same quarter of the previous year, during the fourth quarter of 2024, the average gross salary in the construction activity has the highest increase of 14.9%, while the smallest increase is in the information and communication activity group of 5.9%.

During the fourth quarter of 2024, the occupational groups of "managers, legislators, senior civil servants, and executive directors" and "professionals with higher education" offer the highest average gross monthly salaries, compared to the national average salary.

Despite the salary increase, the difference in the cost of living and purchasing capability between Albania and European countries is significant.

According to Eurostat data, the purchasing capability of Albanian youth is lower than that of their European peers. For example, an average Albanian spends about 42% of his income on food, while in Europe this figure is 13-14%. This shows the high economic pressure for young Albanians who face a difficult financial reality.