Bardhi Accuses Socialists for Intervening in Magistrates Exam

The opposition reacted Monday over the situation created at Magistrates school, and problems with the exams that define new judges and prosecutors. 

Democrat, Gazment Bardhi said that he made a verification on the names on the lists of those who were qualified for the second exam, and among them according to him were 13 people who were on the list of the socialists patronageist.

He urged to the Committee of Law to call for further clarification the director of the school, Arben Rakipi, but the request was refused by the socialists. 

"This is a total intervention on the new cast of judges and prosecutors. Politicians want to intervene in the justice. The exam was canceled twice, as the number of those who passed the first exam went from 79 to 121 and then 131," accused Bardhi