Cars Older than 15 Years Not Allowed to Enter Albania
Authorities will not allow vehicles older than 15 years to be brought and registered in Albania, as announced by the General Directorate of Road Transport Service (DPSHTRR).
These new rules have entered into force and already to buy a car from abroad citizens should carefully look at the year of production, which should not be earlier than 2007.
At this point, care must be taken to respect the deadlines, because registration date means the date when the citizen has gone to the DPSHTRR to make the registration of the vehicle.
For example, the deadline for registration and registration with the year of production 2007 is December 31, 2022.
“It is allowed to import / register vehicles EURO 5 and above: New vehicles with 0 km and that have not been previously registered for circulation in any other country; Other new motor vehicles such as: buses and vehicles for mixed transport (ATP, ATV, APV) of categories M2 and N1, with 0 km and which have not been previously registered for circulation in any other country.
Other motor vehicles used as: buses and vehicles for mixed transport (ATP, ATV, APV) of categories M2 and N1, all those that are not with 0 km and that are registered for road traffic in another country on first, which meet the EURO 3 norm and must have been produced no more than 15 years before the date of first registration in Albania", has informed the DPSHTRR, which adds that all Euro4 cars are allowed regardless of the kilometers.