Developments in North, Turkey Will Send Troops to Kosovo

Ministry of National Defense of Turkey announced that at the request of the NATO Joint Force Command, a commando battalion has been assigned and that preparations have begun for the transfer of Turkish soldiers to the "Sultan Murat" Barracks in Kosovo until June 5.

In the wake of tensions in the north of Kosovo, the Turkish news agency Anadoly, citing the Ministry of Defense, reports that "Turkey shows a constructive attitude and calls on the parties for restraint, for a dialogue solution to the recent events in the northern part of the friend and brother country Kosovo, which harm security and stability regional".

The situation in the most northern municipalities of the Republic, Zubin Potok, Zveçan and Leposaviq, was tense on Friday, May 26, when the sworn mayors were forced to enter their work offices under the assistance of the Kosovo Police.

As a result of the violent protests, six Kosovo policemen and 30 KFOR soldiers were injured, while Serbs also attacked journalists.

Members of KFOR and the Kosovo Police who are taking care of maintaining order, are continuing to stay near and inside the buildings of these municipalities.