DP Determined to End Mandate of MP Olta Xhacka

Parliamentary Group of Democratic Party (DP) has requested the Assembly to convene the Council for the mandate of Minister Olta Xhaçka. 

In the protocol request, the DP group requests the convening of the meeting the following day, September 14, at 1:00 p.m., with the agenda: "Continuing the consideration of the motion of 1/10 of the MP of the DP parliamentary group for following the procedure parliamentary report on the finding of invalidity and the end of the mandate of MP Olta Xhaçka." 

The document was signed by MPs Enkelejd Alibeaj, Gazment Bardhi, Ervin Salianji, Greta Bardeli and Saimir Korreshi. 14 MPs from the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party submitted to the Assembly on June 20, 2022, the request for the removal of the mandate of Minister Olta Xhaçka. 

Some of the MPs of the DP asked to follow the parliamentary procedure for establishing the invalidity and the end of the mandate of the MP Olta Xhacka, at the same time the minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs. 

The motion clarified that the company created immediately after the approval of the law on strategic investments AG. TÇ shpk owned by the husband of the minister Olta Xhacka, has benefited from the status of strategic investor for the construction of a multi-storey 5-star hotel on a development area of ??10,592 m² and worth about 5.5 million euros, in Gjileka, Himare Municipality. 

The company owned by the husband of the minister has benefited from the support measure of allowing the use of the beach in front of the hotel for a period of 30 years, as well as benefiting from the VAT reduction incentive.