EU Reaches Agreement on Kosovo Visa Liberalization

The representatives of the EU Parliament and the European Council reached an agreement on visa liberalization for Kosovo on Wednesday. 

"On Wednesday, the negotiating teams of the Parliament and the Council reached the long-awaited agreement on the liberalization of visas for Kosovo", it is stated in the press release of the European Parliament. 

On November 30, the ambassadors of the EU member states agreed to give the mandate to the European Council to negotiate the visa liberalization process for Kosovo with the European Parliament. 

On behalf of the EP, negotiations were conducted by the visa liberalization rapporteur for Kosovo, Thijs Reuten from the Netherlands. 

"The lifting of visas will come into force when the European travel system, ETIAS, is operational, in any case no later than January 1, 2024," this announcement states. 

Kosovo, currently, is the only country in the Western Balkans whose citizens cannot move freely in this area.