Fall of Hoxha's Bust, Basha Signs Petition for Decommunization

The leader of the Democratic Party (DP), Lulzim Basha, accompanied by some Democratic MPs and the youth of the DP Youth Forum, have signed this Sunday the petition for decommunization, in "Skanderbeg Square". 

The signing of this petition by Basha and other democrats is taking place on the day when the 31st anniversary of the fall of the bust of dictator Enver Hoxha is marked. 

"The meaning of February 20 is the overthrow of the symbol of dictatorship," Basha told the young Democrats, before heading to the square to sign the petition. 

Meanwhile, from "Skënderbej Square", the leader of the Democrats, Basha, remembered the day of the fall of the bust of dictator Hoxha, where he was present in the square 31 years ago, together with his family. 

"I do not forget that year, I was here. I got here just before the bust fell and much later I realized my family was here, on all four sides of the square. None of us knew we were here because we had come from different directions. As biological families we were scattered, we did not know we were here. But from the moment the protest started, the fall of the statue and the testing of this moment, we had all become a family", said Basha. 

"It is about ending a process of the past. I very much hope that this petition will be signed by the colleagues of the ruling majority", said the initiator of the petition, Jonila Godole.