Fier Residents Protest over Lack of Electiricity

A protest was held this Monday in the administrative unit of Levan in Fier, due to the lack of electricity. 

As reported, for 10 years the residents of about 10 villages of the Levan administrative unit in Fier have been suffering from continuous power outages. 

The situation becomes even more problematic in the winter season, when, as a result of bad weather, interruptions are 24-hours. 

While the demands of the residents have been ignored regarding this issue, they have decided to protest in front of the Prefecture of Fier, to convey their concerns. 

After the meeting with the Prefect Lefter Shehaj, they expressed their disbelief towards the solution of the problem as they emphasized that if there is no concrete solution, they will continue to escalate the protests, even by blocking the road.