Foreigners Made Record Expenses Visiting Albania during 2022

Albania seems to be heading towards the best historical year of tourism, in terms of foreign inflows, surpassing 2019, which was the most positive until now, only to be interrupted by the pandemic.

The data of the Bank of Albania in the balance of payments show that the expenses of foreigners in Albania in the first 6 months of the year reached EUR 1.13 billion, with an increase of 64% compared to the same period a year ago, when the country had not yet recovered from the pandemic. 

Even in relation to 2019, foreign currency inflows to Albania increased by 32%. The first 6 months of 2022 also marked the highest historical level, since the Bank of Albania reports the data. 

The trend is expected to continue, as the INSTAT data show that the arrivals of foreigners peaked in the summer months. From south to north, foreign tourists have been numerous this season. Since the first quarter of the year, the expenses of foreigners in Albania exceeded the level of 2019 by 17%, while in the second the expansion was even stronger on an annual basis, with 43%, also helped by the League final of Conferences, which was held in May. 

According to INSTAT data, in the first 6 months of the year, about 2.5 million foreign citizens entered the country, with a 16.4% increase compared to the same period of 2019. The easing of restrictions from the pandemic has caused not only foreigners to visit our country, but also Albanians to go abroad. 

According to the Bank of Albania, Albanians have spent almost EUR 800 million on their trips abroad, almost twice as much as a year ago, when it was almost impossible to travel to EU countries due to strict rules such as restrictions at the entrance, or requests for vaccines and tests. Even in relation to 2019, expenses have increased by 14%. 

According to other INSTAT data, in the first 6 months of 2022, 2.5 million Albanian citizens left, 51% more than the same period a year ago, but 5% less than in the first 6 months of 2019- s. However, spending is higher in 2019, indicating that the cost per person to travel abroad was higher than three years ago. 

Since 2013, the travel balance is positive, which means that foreigners traveling to Albania spend more than Albanians traveling abroad. In the first 6 months of 2022, the positive balance of tourism was 338 million euros, marking the highest positive record ever recorded in the country.

(Source: Monitor)