Germany Reviewing Kosovo's Request to Move with Expired Passports

Federal Government of Germany is considering the request made by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Kosovo, Xhelal Sveçla, to allow the movement of Kosovar citizens with expired passports. 

Sweden made this request to Germany on January 6, since Kosovo has been having problems with the provision of the necessary material for the production of passports for several months now. 

The German Embassy in Kosovo has confirmed for Radio Free Europe that they have accepted this request. 

"The request is currently being examined by the Federal Ministry of the Interior", the embassy's response states. 

The German Embassy has added that Sweden's request is limited "to allowing re-entry into Germany for Kosovar citizens who live in Germany with a valid residence permit, and babies with Kosovar citizenship who were born in Germany and have not yet been issued a Kosovo passport." ". 

Radio Free Europe on Tuesday published the accounts of Kosovar citizens who have faced numerous problems in recent months in their travel plans, because the Civil Registration Agency has not issued passports, except for emergencies. 

Nora Fetoshi, spokeswoman at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo, said that the company contracted by the Government to supply the material, with which the passports are produced, failed to provide this material. 

"Like many other countries, we are also facing difficulties in the supply of materials, difficulties which have been caused by the global crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic", Fetoshi told Radio Free Europe. 

On January 10, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that the supply of material for the production of passports is expected to be restored by the end of this month. 

In this announcement, the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that it "expresses regret for the situation created and asks for understanding from all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, until the resolution of this issue", the Radio Free Europe reported.