Great Composer Zadeja Honored with High Title
President of the Republic, Ilir Meta has awarded Thursday the title "Honor of the Nation" (posthumously) to the great composer Çesk Zadeja.
Meta underlines that the orchestration of the Anthem, performed by Zadeja in 1995, has become today an artistic and legal standard for its correct interpretation. While the legendary music of the film "Skanderbeg", the first great Symphony of Albanian music, as well as the entire work of Professor Zadeja is rightly considered as part of the best cultural and artistic heritage of Albania.
"The name of the honored Professor Çesk Zadeja is associated with two of the most unifying symbols of Albanians, the National Anthem and the Hero Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu.
The orchestration of the Anthem, performed by the great Zadeja in 1995, has today become an artistic and legal standard for its correct interpretation. While the legendary music of the film "Skanderbeg", the first great Symphony of Albanian music, as well as the entire work of Professor Zade is rightly considered as part of the best cultural and artistic heritage of Albania, at all times and that makes us proud.
For the precious values ​​as the founder of our musical artistic institutions, appreciating the indelible traces left in the national music, as the artist and the permanent dean of the Albanian school of composition, who exalted with his creativity and pedagogical and scientific work the traditions and the name of Albania, I had the pleasure to honor Professor Çesk Zadeja, with the high Decoration "Honor of the Nation".
Happy to hand over this title to his son, the famous artist Alban Zadeja, in a solemn ceremony held at the University of Arts, exactly in the hall that bears the name of his Father," Meta said.