Buildings in Tirana

Housing; Builders against Reference Prices

The Association of Builders has filed a claim to the Constitutional Court where it requires the partial repeal of the decision adopted a year ago which set out the new reference prices for the sale of residential units in Tirana.

Specifically, the claim is subject to repeal of decision no. 457 dated 26.07.2023, “On the methodology for determining the taxable value of real estate “Buildings”, tax base for a specific category, the nature and priority of information and data for determining the tax base, as well as criteria and rules for alternative assessment of the tax obligation", as amended".

This decision requires the repeal of the second point and complainant which states that “Price per square meter of construction area for new construction recorded according to the use permit in the Cadaster Agency, after the entry into force of this decision, will be indexed with the coefficient of 0.2 times on High than the price of the area of ??the apartment of the residential according to the list specified Annex 1, for the first 5 years after the registration of the use permit in the KAS ”.

As well as in the section has labeled to stipulate in Annex 1, point A.2) “that the average reference prices for the sale of buildings used for residential purposes for the Municipality of Tirana will be applied to the construction permits after entry into force of this decision as incompatible with the Constitution”.

At this point the builders demand that the new reference prices approved a year ago, not to touch on those building permits granted before the decision came into force. The suspension of these two points is also required until the decision of the Constitutional Court is taken and entry into force.

The Constitutional Court has decided to hold a hearing on this claim on September 13.

According to builders, the adoption of new reference prices in the capital brought a direct increase in the price of sale of property from 200-300 euros per square meter due to the highest costs that builders had to pay, such as the impact tax on infrastructure.