How Did EncroChat Albanian Drug Supplier Get into UK Illegally again after Being Deported?

A prominent member of an Albanian organised crime group has been jailed for a second time for Class A drugs offences.

Bujar Cozminca, 33, purchased and supplied 100 kilograms of cocaine, with a wholesale value of £3.5m and a street value of around £8m, in addition to laundering £2.5m of criminal cash.

When he was arrested in May 2021, £300,000 in cash was found at two properties he used for drugs deals in Islington and Wembley.

Officers from the Organised Crime Partnership (OCP) – comprising National Crime Agency and Metropolitan Police officers – also discovered ledgers indicating drug deals amounting to almost £2 million.

Cozminca admitted conspiracy to supply cocaine and money laundering and on Friday (28 June 2024), he was sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court to 12 years in prison.

Cozminca, of High Road, Wembley, was already known to UK law enforcement.

In 2012, he was convicted of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs and sentenced to 21 months in jail. He was deported back to Albania, but subsequently re-entered the UK illegally.

He was arrested by OCP officers using evidence from Operation Venetic – the NCA-led response to the 2020 takedown of encrypted communications platform EncroChat.

Using the handle ‘Insatiable beta’, Cozminca trafficked multi-kilo deals of cocaine across the UK and laundered hundreds of thousands of pounds of criminal cash on a weekly basis.

OCP officers built the case against him by wading through 6,000 EncroChat messages.