Iran Threatens to Attack MEK Base in Albania

Iran's Revolutionary Guard forces have threatened US bases in the Middle East, Israel and Albania with drone and missile attacks. In a video recently published on the Telegram application, Iran's Revolutionary Guard has also targeted the MEK camp in Manez, Durrës, publishing satellite photos of it.

During the video, the targets of Iran's drones and missiles are presented one after the other, including the city of Tel Aviv, the American bases in the region as well as the MEK camp in Manez. 

In the end, the Iranians emphasize that they have everything under control and that they can strike whenever they want. 

Albania has been placed under the target of Iran after the acceptance of the MEK mujahedin in the country, who are considered opponents of the regime of the ayatollahs. Recently, Albania has been the victim of a cyber attack by the Iranians, who managed to get a lot of confidential information from the systems.