Justice Minister Seeks Coop to Complete ‘Chapter 23’ of Albania's EU Talks

Ministry of Justice held this Tuesday a roundtable on the integration process of Albania, where various representatives of law enforcement agencies took part.

During his speech at the meeting, the Minister of Justice, Ulsi Manja, stated that the opening of negotiations will intensify relations with the European Union and demanded that law enforcement institutions cooperate together to meet Chapter 23 and the political criteria.

Manja also stated that after the opening of the negotiations, the EU observer eyes towards Albania will increase and therefore asked the institutions responsible for Chapter 23 to function as a clock for fulfilling the conditions.

"I consider today's meeting as an expression of your will to pursue the integration agenda. Keeping this in mind comes after the good news coming from France, after the re-election of President Macron, and the advancing role for the integration processes in the Western Balkans.

Today's meeting is dedicated to this intensification of relations with institutions that guarantee the rule of law. In recent years we have all witnessed a protracted opening of negotiations although the recommendations of the European Commission have been positive.

Multilateral efforts are being made to make this process happen this year. With the opening of negotiations the communication with the EU structures will be intensified and every work will be multiplied, but also the demands to show progress will be intensified, the observer eyes will increase and the demands will be toughened, therefore dear friends we must we function as clocks.

This should be our motto until the full integration of Albania in the European Union. As you are aware of the negotiation process, we have asked for increased attention in the Ministry of Justice with the establishment of the integration directorate, which is full of staff. Chapter 23 and the political criteria are at the top of our work every day", said Manja.