Kryemadhi Slams DP over Last Statements in Parliament

Disputes between the main parties in the opposition are now confirmed. The Chairwoman of the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) Monika Kryemadhi, declared on Saturday that the negotiations of the socialists and democrats are bringing the state to bankruptcy.  

In an interview for the Voice of America, Kryemadhi declared that everyone must see what is going on in Parliament to understand that Albania is towards bankruptcy. 

"SP-DP are reaching agreements without any transparency and this will affect all the citizens," said Kryemadhi. She refused to comment the 'attack' of the opposition leader, Lulzim Basha against the President Ilir Meta, saying that there is nothing new. 

"We reached 110.000 votes on the last elections, but the actual electoral system alienated our votes," said Kryemadhi.