Minor Forced to Make videos for Social Media in a Vulgar Language; Berat Prosecution Takes Father and Grandmother to Court


The minor was forced to make videos for social media in a vulgar language; Berat Prosecution Office takes the father and grandmother to court 

Berat Prosecution Office has completed its investigation and took citizens A.K. and N.R. to court on charges of " Maltreatment of minors". 
The investigations under criminal case No. 760/2023 revealed that the accused maltreated their 10-year-old son and grandson by posting videos of him on the social network "TikTok" using vulgar language. 
As a result of the traumatic events, the prosecution determined that the accused have negatively impacted the child's quality of life by depriving him of emotional peace, leaving him feeling unprotected and bullied, with persistent fears. 
The accused coerced the minor, A.K., into making videos and posting them on the social media platform "TikTok" using highly inappropriate and offensive language—language that is harsh even for adults, let alone for the minor victim of the crime. This emotionally burdened the child through threats made by the two defendants. The evidence includes videos showing the minor using inappropriate behavior and language, encouraged by his father and grandmother. 
Citizen A.K. has reported frequent physical and psychological threats when appearing on "TikTok." His father continually threatened him with a knife to force him to participate in social media activities, despite his expressed unwillingness. A.K. also mentioned that he was unfamiliar with some of the language he used on the platform and that his father, in the presence of his grandmother, would instruct him in these terms. The minor was given 25 cm knife and subjected to ongoing psychological abuse, including repeated and severe verbal insults directed at him and his mother. He also faced physical assaults, all of which inflicted significant harm on the child. 
The prosecution assessed that providing drugs and alcoholic beverages to the minor by the two defendants clearly constitutes both physical and psychological abuse. This behavior forced the child to engage in actions that harm his mental and physical development. 
Given the sufficient evidence supporting the charge of "Maltreatment of minors" committed in complicity, as stipulated in Article 124/b/2 and Article 25 of the Criminal Code, and considering the accusations against the defendants A.K. and N.R. to be fully substantiated, the prosecution has proceeded in accordance with Article 331 of the Criminal Procedure Code.