MP Bllako's Arrest, PM Rama Says None Above Law

Following the meeting of the Socialist Party (SP) steering committee, Prime Minister Edi Rama has highlighted that the Justice Reform is already bearing fruit and no one is above the law.

This is the first time PM Edi Rama reacts since the issuance of the arrest warrant by the Special Prosecution against Organized Crime and Corruption (SPAK) for Alqi Ballako.

"Everyone is equal. I am surprised that there is still a need for such questions, while everything is happening and that the answer for all those who did not believe that there will be a reform in Justice in Albania, did not believe that the day would come that even people with immunity would go to justice, did not believe that this reform we undertook with great determination, not alone but together with the SP we have led but continue to support it not to seize justice but to create the conditions for a timely process of justice reform to make it is possible to have a fair Albania for all. At the personal level, I am definitely sorry, but at the level of duty, I certainly see these things happening as a result of what we have done ", said Rama.