Number of Livestock Decreased by 11% in 2023

The number of livestock has decreased by over 11 percent in each category, cattle, goats, and sheep. According to the latest INSTAT data, in 2023 there were 263 thousand cattle in the whole country, with an annual decrease of 11.5%.

While the number of small livestock (goats and sheep) decreased by 11.7 percent. The number of pigs also decreased by 16%. Only poultry and beehives grew by 2.6 and 8.2% each.

According to the data, the number of cattle in 2023 was 263,385. The main category is represented by dairy cows with about 88.24% of the total number.

In 2023, the number of goats and sheep was 1,206,206 heads. Dairy sheep accounted for 640,242 heads. In 2023, the number of pigs is 114,833.

The most representative districts regarding cattle breeding for 2023 were Fier with 14.76% and Korça with 11.76% of the total number. The greatest concentration of the number of sheep is in the Vlora district with 28.52% and Gjirokastra with 14.84% of the total number.

The largest concentration of goats was in the Vlora region with 28.11% and in the Gjirokastra region with 15.31% of the total number. The largest concentration of the number of pigs was in the Lezha district with 48.09% and in the Shkodra with 21.61% of the total number of heads. The decline of the rural population and the lack of farm productivity due to the removal of subsidy schemes is leading the number of livestock to decline.