Police Sends to SPAK, 23 MPs that Burned Chairs Outside Parliament

Tirana Police referred to the Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK) all the members of parliament who participated in the protest of Monday by burning the chairs outside the Parliament's doors after the arrest of the democrat, Ervin Salianji.

Police informed Tuesday that the democrats throw strong objects against the Speaker, Elisa Spiropali and then burned the chairs. That is the reason why police denounced 23 democrat MPs for the criminal offence of destroying the property with fire:

Flamur Noka; Gazment Bardhi; Bledion Nallbati; Flamur Hoxha; Dhurata Cupi,

Xhelal Mziu, Lefter Geshtenja, Agron Gjekmarkaj, Ina Zhupa, Lindita Mataliaj;

Dashnor Sula, Luan Baçi, Lodovik Hasani, Asllan Dogjani, Elidon Bushati

Erisa Xhixho, Sorina Koti, Sajmir Korreshi, Edmond Spaho, Kasem Mahmutaj, 

Vangjel Dule, Monika Kryemadhi, Isuf Celaj.