Premier Distributes 200 Properties Documents in Theth

Prime Minister Edi Rama traveled this Sunday to Theth area, where he distributed 200 properties documents.

In a short speech in front of the residents, Rama said that the problems with the properties in this area will be finally solved as he promised that his government will forgive all the penalties given for the properties in Theth.

According to him, the forgiveness of penalties will be done because the only construction that were made in the area, were made on economic purposes, not in an abusive way.

"Today there are 200 property titles that are here, we will distribute a part now, you will receive the rest during the day. Meanwhile, there are 90 other titles, for some of them the municipality of Shkodra will have to make a change in the study of the area and for another 50 titles it is the problem of construction on their property, but beyond the deadline allowed by law for legalizations," said Rama.