President Decrees New Rectors of Universities

The Albanian President, Bajram Begaj, decreed Monday the new rectors in all universities who were elected in the last elections.

In his speech, the Head of State talked about the challenges that rectors have to face as the new academic year approaches.

"Your basic role and mission is to offer students the taste of learning, curiosity and discovery, and I think some of the challenges that will require answers in your new role today and in the future are:

What will be the real contribution of new information and communication technologies in teaching?

How will our universities adapt to and use digital technology, artificial intelligence in the future?

Above all, which programs of study will be a priority for our students, where adaptability to an ever-changing world must be essential?

Personally, I understand your position. Being a university rector today is a great responsibility. The public interest in improving the quality of education should be seen as a stimulus for action," says the head of state.