Socialists Proposes Members of Special Parliamentary Committee on Disinformation

After the vote on the Parliament, socialist proposed the five names of the new committee on disinformation.

On this special committee, socialists proposes as chairman, Erion Brace, while the five other members: Bledi Çuçi, Mimi Kodheli, Pandeli Majko, Enslemvera Zake and Etilda Gjonaj. 

The Albanian government has announced plans to set up a Special Parliamentary Committee is expected to fight against foreign interference and disinformation in the public sphere

It aims to implement a holistic and long-term approach to addressing foreign interference in democratic processes in Albania.

Meanwhile, in 2023, the European Commission announced a planned directive called Defence of Democracy. The directive aims to reveal direct or indirect influence on advocacy or interest groups by obliging them to make their financing public.

At the time, the Commission’s Vice President for Democracy and Demography, Dubravka Suica, told Euractiv it was due to concerns about third parties or third countries financing civil society in member states.

The directive will lay down a number of requirements, but in the end, it will be up to member states to create their own frameworks and implementation processes.

Civil society groups have criticised the proposed law, same as in Albania. They said that while some elements to further enhance democratic participation and protect civil space were welcome, others would undermine existing and future efforts.