Struga Mayor Designated for Corruption by US

The US Department of State declared 'non grata' Ramiz Merko, mayor of the Municipality of Struga in North Macedonia. Washington will not allow him to enter the United States, due to his involvement in significant corruption. 

In the announcement of the Department of State, it is stated that the mayor of the municipality of Struga has misused funds and interfered in court proceedings and other public proceedings, damaging the public's trust in the democratic institutions of North Macedonia. 

Today's action sends the message that the United States stands by North Macedonia to promote stability through strengthening democratic institutions and addressing deficiencies related to the rule of law, the statement said. 

This determination reaffirms the commitment of the United States to fight corruption, which harms the public interest, hinders the economic prosperity of countries and reduces the ability of governments to respond effectively to the needs of their people, concludes the announcement of the US Department of State.