Picture of Leonard Duka

Tirana Blast Was on Notorious Gang Leader Father's Residency

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, a quantity of explosives exploded at the door of Muhamet Duka's apartment, which is located on the fourth floor of a building in Fresk area of Tirana.

As a result of this explosion, there was only material damage, while Muhameti is the father of Elis and Leonard Duke, while the latter is known as the leader of the "Duka" clan.

On his part, their father has stated that he has no idea who the authors of this event could be.

Meanwhile, it is suspected to be a warning or threat between groups.

Furthermore, it is reported that no one lived in the apartment where the small amount of tritol was placed for 4 years.

However, the "Duke" clan is Ervis Martinaj's sworn enemy.

Enmity between the groups started in 2019 with the murder of Santiago Malko, a confidant of Martinaj.

Ervis Martinajt has been missing for a long time and nothing is known about him, but this is the second event after the assassination of Fation Murat, which indicates either his return or his friends' revenge.