Tirana Prosecution Launches Probe into Bus that Fell in Lana River

Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana has launched intensive investigations on Tirana Municipality’s Green Line bus, which ended up in Lana river in the capital on Friday evening, due to which six citizens were injured.

A team of experts and investigators have undertaken to verify all the facts gathered for three days to find out what really happened that scary moment for dozens of people who had taken the Ring bus to return to their destinations.

Furthermore, a series of images, technical condition of the bus-vehicle as well as a series of evidences were provided regarding the moment that fortunately did not turn out to be fatal, have been obtained.

According to preliminary data, there are suspicions that the bus vehicle is suspected to have had technical problems but also the maneuver of the vehicle driver was not appropriate.

In the meantime, the car in which two young people were traveling, turned out to be on its way at the moment when it was taken money from the public transport vehicle ending up in the Lana River.

The bus driven by 62-year-old Muhamet Kyçyku, who was traveling in the middle lane when he lost control and could not stop, is also suspected of not having been able to handle a technical defect.

More precisely, it was the driver of the vehicle himself, who told the Police that he did not make a mistake at any moment, but it was the bus that did not obey him.

There are suspicions that at that moment the driver did not respond to the brakes, when he tried to brake to avoid falling from behind the "Benz" vehicle.

Police also claim that the bus driver tried to avoid the collision with other vehicles that were circulating on the same axis, in which he had entered, but the moment he saw that something was wrong he tried to take the vehicle off the road.

At that time, he initially collided with the "Benz" vehicle, driven by 27-year-old Jurgen Rama, who was driving in parallel in the right lane. According to the Police, this was the moment when both vehicles collided with the tree and both ended up in the Lana River.