Winner Zeqiri Sisters Together at Home and in Gymnastics
Zeqiri sisters have marked success in their most beloved sport even though they are at a young age. Vilaza, 14 years old and Lisa, 16 years old are devoted to gymnastics, as reported this Tuesday.
Apart from being together at home, the Zeqiri sisters are inseparable in their daily routine with gymnastics exercises and say that they have many health benefits from this sport.
However, advancement in the disciplines of gymnastics led to both gradually becoming participants in competitions at home and abroad.

In all the disciplines of this sport, Vilsa says she is strongly prepared, while Lisa says that she noticed her body development in time and that was one of the reasons why she did not leave this sport. She is looking forward to her first appearance in competitions abroad.
Undoubtedly, their father, Sadik Zeqiri is their greatest support and proud of every achievement of his two talented daughters.
On his part, Sadik Zeqiri has been an activist for the liberation of Kosovo since 1992. Since 1998 he has actively participated in the liberation war, as a member of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), Brigade 134-Bedri Shala, in the Dukagjini Operational Zone.
In 1998, the Yugoslav JNA forces imprisoned him and for over 2 years he stayed in the infamous Serbian prisons of Nis, Leskovac, Lipjan, Peja, and experienced the Dubrava massacre.
In addition to other engagements, Sadik Zeqiri is also working on a collection of memoirs, a historical book on the experiences of Albanians imprisoned by the Serbian regime, which is expected to be published soon.
Sadik Zeqiri is married to Naime Shala, and has two daughters, Lisa and Vileza Zeqiri and a son, Ersi. Sadik Zeqiri enjoys the status of KLA Invalid and lives in Pristina.