Minister Ogerta Manastirliu launches 'Pink October' campaign.

'Pink October' Awareness Campaign Begins

Minister of Health and Social Protection Ogerta Manastirliu, together with the athletics champion Luiza Gega, have called on all women and girls not to neglect breast control. 

In the month of awareness for the fight against breast cancer, Minister Manastirliu has called on all women to hasten to have a mammogram. 

"We are together with our champion Luiza, to call on all women and girls, that in this Pink October, take some time to take care of themselves; to perform periodic check-ups and mammography. In Tirana but also in regional hospitals and through mobile mammography, we have guaranteed mammography service, an examination that is offered free of charge to every woman, every day of the year. Breast tumor is completely treatable if diagnosed in time and we have guaranteed free therapies for every woman. Hurry up to do the mammography! Be a health champion too," said Manastirliu. 

The European champion in athletics, Luiza Gega, joined the cause with this message: 

"We are together to bring our voice to every woman! Don't leave self-care for tomorrow. Get your mammogram today! Early control saves life!", said Gega. 

October is breast cancer awareness month. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection starts today and will continue throughout the month an awareness campaign for Pink October with the motto "Run for life".