Feasibility Study for Air Traffic in Kukes Airport
Albcontrol plans a feasibility study regarding the completion of the air traffic infrastructure for Kukes Airport.
In a procurement procedure published on Friday, it is determined that the feasibility study for the Air Traffic Services (ATS) provision infrastructure at Kukes Airport includes the identification of an appropriate strategy.
According to the documents accompanying the procedure, it is underlined that the strategy aims to address several issues such as lower costs, technical harmonization of Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems, etc.
"With an appropriate strategy, many basic questions can be effectively answered. The service provider will support Albcontrol in selecting the best solution from the various options for air traffic towers. The limit fund is set at Lek 16.2 million,” the document states.
It is critical to evaluate the proper configuration, considering the following scenarios: Construction of a concrete tower in Kukës; Purchase or lease of a Mobile Tower; Purchase of a Remote Tower for Kukës Airport; Construction of a Remote Control Center (RTC) with the possibility to accommodate several airports, from small AFIS runways to the possibility of being used as an emergency center for the ATC Tower of Tirana and Vlora Airports, the documents states.
An appropriate strategy should be sustainable for the future and adapted to local conditions, taking into account the time and vision for the development of the airport, with the main focus on the strategy for Kukes International Airport," the documents state.
In March 2019, the Council of Ministers approved the concession contract for Kukes Airport.
The tendering procedure was carried out in December 2018 and the winner was the temporary merger of the companies Global Technical Mechanics sh.p.k. (already owns 100% of the shares) and Bami sh.p.k. The duration of the concession is 35 years. The value of the rehabilitation was around Euro 8 million.