Albania Ranks 2nd in Europe for Deaths Linked to Pollution

Citizens living in Albania are more likely to die from diseases caused by air pollution than those in Western Europe.

According to a new report published by the European Environment Agency, Albania ranks second in the list of European countries where the lives of citizens are endangered by pollution. In the first place, as the most problematic, is ranked Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In Albania, 23 percent of annual deaths are related to air pollution and environmental issues. Compared to the European average which is 13 percent, Albania has a difference of 10 percentage points.

Europeans with the lowest risk of death from pollution-related issues are those living in Norway and Iceland where the death rate is only 9 percent. Then is ranked Denmark and Sweden, with 10 percent each.

"One factor driving this model is energy poverty, which is most prevalent in Southern and Central-Eastern Europe," the report said, explaining that “poor communities rely on the burning of low-quality solid fuels such as coal and wood.”

Other factors that affect the large inequality between the two regions include lower levels of hygiene and higher exposure to waste substances that are harmful to the health and longevity of citizens.