Albania’s Temperatures Quite High for November

Relatively good weather and high temperatures will be noted this Friday in Albania, considering that November is nearly ending and winter is approaching.

The Meteoalb has revealed that the day starts with alternations of clearings and eclipses, where the most frequent eclipses remain in the southeastern areas, endangering even light rains, but the following noon and hours will gradually remove the eclipses from the country, making the clearings predominant.

These atmospheric conditions remain until the next morning and the air temperatures drop slightly in the first hours of the day marking 2 ° C while at noon it raises the thermometer to 22 ° C.

Meanwhile, the wind will blow with an average speed of 45 km / h from the Northeast direction, bringing swell over 3 points to the sea shores.

In Kosovo, the day starts with the cold and dead weather all over the Republic, tut approaching noon, the eclipses completely leave the entire territory, leaving the place in clear weather. Even the night hours continue under the influence of clear but cold weather.

On the other hand, the first part of the day will be presented with clear skies and occasional eclipses, where the most visible eclipses will be in the eastern areas but without being able to bring rain, in North Macedonia. The second part of the day brought the removal of the eclipses and the dominance of the clearings throughout this country.